Ashton-under-Lyne 1832 (3)
Hadfield Geo, overlooker, Peel Street, Dukinfield
Hadfield Mrs Martha, 14 Queen Street, Staly Bridge
Hadfield Thomas, hat manufacturer, Dukinfield Hall
Hadfield William, shopkeeper, 32 Warrington Street
Hadkin Jos, retailer of beer, 33 Vaudrey Street, Dukinfield
Hague Daniel, shopkeeper, Hurst Brook
Hague William, stone and coal merchant, Bark-house Wharf
Haigh John, boot & shoe maker, 33 Cricket Lane
Haigh Matt, retailer of beer, New Road, Dukinfield
Hall Daniel, shopkeeper, 17 Caroline Street, Dukinfield
Hall Edward, victualler, Dog & Partridge, 117 Rassbotom Street, Staly Bridge
Hall George, retailer of beer, Currier Lane
Hall Mr James, Currier Lane
Hall James, cotton spinner King Street, Staly Bridge
Hall Jas, cotton spinner, house Cocker Hill, Staly Bridge
Hall James, hatter and lime dealer, Davies Street, Dukinfield
Hall James & Son, cotton spinners, Castle Street, Dukinfield
Hall John, retailer of beer, Canning Street, Charlestown
Hall John, victualler & wholesale brewer, Lamb Inn, and fire brick maker, Davies street, Dukinfield
Hall John, hatter, Town Lane, Dukinfield
Hall Ralph, cotton spinner, house, Cocker Hill, Staly Bridge
Hall Robert, butcher, 39 Rassbottom Street, Staly Bridge
Hall Timothy, victualler, Rising Sun, Park Parade
Hall William, retailer of beer, Peartree, Staly
Halliwell James, rag & paper dealer, Saltpie Row, Dukinfield
Hallworth Samuel, corn dealer, 150 Stamford Street
Hamilton Mr Robert, Staly
Hammond Thomas, painter, 38 Scotland Street
Hampson & Wooley, coal masters, High Street, Dukinfield
Hampson Eli, hatter & retailer of beer, Hooley Hill
Hampson Henry, hatter, Half Moon, Dukinfield
Hampson John, hosier, Print Street, Hooley Hill
Hampson William Esquire, magistrate, Dukinfield
Hampson William, schoolmaster, 23 Bentinck Street
Hampson William, slater etc, New Road, Dukinfield
Handforth Rev. John, Rectory
Hanson George, shoemaker 266 Manchester Road
Harding George, shoe warehouse, 151 Stamford Street
Harding John, shoemaker, 13 Mill Lane
Hardman William, bookkeeper, 9 Warrington Street
Harrison Abel, cotton spinner, house, Thompson's Cross, Staly Bridge
Harrison David, cotton spinner, house, Thompson's Cross, Staly Bridge
Harrison Thomas & Son, cotton spinners & manufacturers, Chapel Street, Staly Bridge
Harrison William, cotton spinner, house, Thompson's Cross, Staly Bridge
Harrop Charles, retailer of beer, 19 Back Grosvenor Street, Dukinfield
Harrop George, schoolmaster, Half Moon, Dukinfield
Harrop Jas, shopkeeper, 5 Grosvenor Street, Dukinfield
Harrop Jas, stone merchant, Hough Hill, Dukinfield
Harrop Joseph, bookkeeper, 10 Warrington Street
Harrop John, cotton spinner, house, 26 Stamford Street
Harvey James, currier etc, 18 Cricket Lane
Harwood James, shoe & clog maker, Caroline Street, Dukinfield
Hatfield Moses, shoemaker, 70 Church Street
Haughton Alfred, shopkeeper, 35 Church Street
Haughton James, fancy shawl and handkerchief manufacturer, Wood Street, house, Spring Street
Haughton Jas, bookkeeper, High Street, Dukinfield
Haughton Mary, linen draper, Half Moon, Dukinfield
Haughton Rd, shopkeeper and manager, Hooley Hill
Haughton Susannah, retailer of beer, Hooley Hill
Hawcourt John, surgeon, Scotland Street
Hawkyard Joel, land surveyor, 139 Manchester Road
Hawley Elijah, shopkeeper, Dog Lane, Dukinfield
Hay Robert, earthenware dealer, 14 George Street
Heap ann, spirit dealer, 110 Rassbottom Street, Staly Bridge
Heap Edward Barlow, wine & spirit merchant, 46 Old Street
Heap Henry, auctioneer, 36 Chapel Street, Staly Bridge
Heap Henry Burton, woollen manufacturer, Stakes, Dukinfield
Heap John & Co, plain and fancy muslin manufacturer, Bentinck Street
Heap Robert & Son, woollen manufacturers, Staly
Heap William, joiner, builder and stone mason, Davies Street, house, King Street
Heginbottom Mr James, Stamford Street
Heginbottom Jas, shopkeeper, Town Lane, Dukinfield
Heginbottom Nathaniel, overlooker, Park Street
Heginbottom Samuel, cotton spinner, 99 Stamford Street, house, Henry's Square
Heginbottom William, cotton spinner, house, Dale street
Heginbottom William, cotton spinner, Hurst Brook
Helme William, rope & twine maker, 146 Stamford Street
Hemingway Richard, shoemaker, 40 Church Street
Henshaw William, joiner, King Street, Dukinfield
Hetherington John, furniture broker, 62 Old Street
Heywood John, victualler, Star, Stamford Street, Staly Bridge
Hibbert Charles, hatter, 21 George Street
Hibbert William, shopkeeper, 50 High Street, Dukinfield
Hibbert William, shopkeepr, 167 Manchester Road
Higgnbottom Alfred, attorney 24 Cricket Lane
Higginbottom John, wool carder, house, St Helena, Dukinfield
Higginbotton Joseph, wool carder, house St Helena, Dukinfield
Higginbottom Joseph, attorney, 130 Stamford Street
Higginbottom Joseph & John, wool carders & stuff cleaners, St Helena, Dukinfield
Higginbottom Mrs Mary, 229 Stamford Street
Higginbottom Mrs Sarah, 136 Stamford Street
Hill James, cotton spinner, house, Hollins, Dukinfield
Hill John, shopkeepr, High Street, Dukinfield
Hill Thomas, land surveyor, and agent to the Phoenix Fire and Pelican Life office,137 Manchester Road, and Old Church Steps, Stockport
Hillary John, cooper, 29 Old Street, Staly Bridge
Hilton James, victualler, Collier's Arms, Hurst Brook
Hilton John, butcher, 74 Old Street
Hilton John, spindle maker and shopkeeper, 32 Rassbottom Street, Staly Bridge
Hilton Mr John, High Street, Dukinfield
Hilton Martha, dressmaker, High Street, Dukinfield
Hilton Mr Robert, Print Street, Hooley hill
Hindle Benjamin, shoolmaster, Print Street, Hooley Hill
Hindley & Hyde, cotton spinners & manufacturers by power, Town Lane, Dukinfield
Hindley Charles, cotton spiner, house, Grove Cottage, Dukinfield
Hindley James, retailer of beer, 46 Waterloo Buildings, Staly Bridge
Hitchen John, dyer, Staly Wood, house, Lees Street, Dukinfield
Hoben Jas, shoemaker, 16 Caroline Street, Dukinfield
Hobson James, shopkeeper, 197 Manchester Road
Hobson Sarah, dyer, 51 Scotland Street
Hodgson John, ironmonger, 25 Stamford Street
Hodson Joseph, shoemaker, 24 Old Street, Staly Bridge
Hodson Thomas, confectioner,16 Back Grosvenor Street, Dukinfield
Holgate Edward, wheelwright, Furnace Hill, Dukinfield
Holland Richard, dyer, 15 Warrington Street
Hollingworth George, nail agent, Davies Street, Dukinfield
Hollingworth Samuel, tailor, 12 Hill Street
Hopwood James, wood turner, 53 Grosvenor Street, Dukinfield
Howard Daniel, shopkeeper, High Street, Dukinfield
Howard Jas, cotton spinner, Spring Grove, Staly
Howard James & Ralph, cotton spinners, Spring Grove, Staly
Howard Jarvis, retailer of beer, Gas street, Dukinfield
Howard John, grocer, 116 Stamford Street
Howard John & Nathaniel, cotton spinners, Cavendish Street, house, Stamford Street
Howard Jonathan, victualler, Royal Oak, Staly Mills
Howard Mary, confectioner, 34 Stamford Street
Howard Ralph, cotton spinner, house, Staly Cottage, Staly
Howard William, victualler, King's Head, 42 Stamford Street
Howarth John, printer, Plantation Lodge, Dukinfield
Howorth & Rawsthorn, grocers, 62 Stamford Street
Howorth Thomas, paper dealer, 64 Stamford Street
Hoyle Rev. George, Queen Street, Staly Bridge
Hudson Joshua, shoemaker, 9 Grosvenor Street, Dukinfield
Hudson Sarah, confectioner, High Street, Dukinfield
Hughes Edward, joiner & cabinet maker, 17 Stamford Street
Hughes Mrs Ellen, 183 Stamford Street
Hulme John, fruiterer, 17 Booth Street
Humphreys Jno, excise officer, Stamford Street, Staly Bridge
Hunt John, boot & shoemaker, 41 Wood Street
Hunter James, stone mason, 36 Mill Lane
Hurst John, shopkeeper, High Street, Dukinfield
Hutton Frederick Lloyd, surgeon, 96 Rassbottom Street, Staly Bridge
Hutton Joseph, surgeon, 93 Rassbottom Street, Staly Bridge
Hyde Abel, woollen manufacturer, Moor Gates, Staly
Hyde Abel, shopkeeper, Demesne Street, Staly
Hyde Ann, shopkeeper, 31 Grosvenor Street, Dukinfield
Hyde George & Joseph, woollen manufacturers, Carrbrook
Hyde Jas, cotton spinner, house, Town Lane, Dukinfield
Hyde James, retailer of beer, Hurst Brook
Hyde Robert, surgeon, 143 Stamford Street
Hyde Thomas, shopkeeper, 6 Back Grosvenor Street, Dukinfield