More Research
Cincinatti 1848 Amazing detail here from a Dageurrotype photograph of the waterfront of Cinicnnatti 1848
You can almost zoom in to see the individual bricks of the buildings.
Roger Vaughan's website This is the very best website to use to help to date your Victorian and Edwardian photographs. Roger has a huge collection inlcuding some famous people of the day, but his section on dating photographs was my go to when trying to date our family photograph album. He explains the various types and dates extracting details from fashions and the development of the printed backs of photographs
William Henry Fox Talbot Phototgraphy developed along different lines in the UK. Fox Talbot developed Calotypes photographs which he fondly called his sun pictures. Initially producing very faint fuzzy pictures after long exposure to the sun, not that different from getting a sun tan around your watch strap. He did improve this with time and is credited with producing the first photographic negative. He was famous for photographing Queen Victoria and the Royal Family.
Some Early Daguerreotype Portraits. There are many, many you tube videos of early photographs, just put Daguerreotype into the search field.
Thomas Easterly's very early photographs of Louisiana. Also explains the passion for dageurreotype in America
Conserving the legacy of Robert Cornelius lecture from the Library of Congress
Short Eastman Museum video one of a series
One of a whole series of Fashion through the ages. This one concentrates on the 1920s
Gay J Oliver  :   Date: 24 March 2024

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